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Kim Kluge


“Colours know neither the good, nor the bad. They allow expression without judgement.”

Kim Kluge has been creating art and design for as long as she can think. She finished her studies 1999, as a master student of Walter Dahn (Beuy’s student) and had many exhibitions since then. In addition Kim is working as a lecturer for concept art. 

Kim Kluge has a wide repertoire of making art. She sees creativity as the beginning of the connection between art and business and as an opportunity for cooperation, in which everyone is allowed to act according to their natural abilities. Kim says: “The beauty about life is covered by the hectic pace and profit optimization of our everyday life. Art and creation help us take a closer look.”

“The deep connection to colours is what connects us.”

At friendmade® Kim shows a selection of her latest series of “felt colour portraits.  In this series Kim portrays both unknown as well as well-known individuals, either by their own choice of favourite colours or by her own personal interpretation of their characters. Kim uses the material felt as a subject of social warmth – of course, a very topical theme.  

As we asked Kim who is her inspiration, we immediately received a nearly endless list of artists, including Joseph Beuys, Gerhard Richter, Basquiat, Rebecca Horn, Marina Abramoviç, Andy Warhol, Piet Mondriaan, Marc Rothko, Wassily Kandinsy and many others.

Kim’s future goal? To connect many more people through her felt artworks, so they can show their “true colours”.


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    friendmade® offers contemporary, authentic art, selected by artists. Through an artist-to-artist invitation system, and with ongoing collective votings, not we, but our artists, together define the everchanging friendmade® style and collection.
    No Curator. Just art!

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