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Gonzalo Sainz

ABOUT Gonzalo

Typographic experiments, vector illustrations and more.

Gonzalo Sainz is a freelance graphic designer and art director from Madrid. From his Studio in Amsterdam he creates creative concepts, brand identities, strategic campaigns and print design. Gonzalo’s main professional goal is to work for responsible brands, for clients in the cultural and artistic sector, and to design for social causes.

Next to his day job, Gonzalo likes to combine his professional work with personal and collaborative projects. Through friendmade®, Gonzalo shares his non-commissioned artworks, varying from typographic experiments and vector illustrations to simple drawings. His artworks always have a story of beauty to tell and always do so, in a very personal way.

“Creating art, such as my illustrations, is a great escape from everyday life and time for experimenting with new things.”

Where does Gonzalo find inspiration? “Ideas can be found everywhere. It’s just a matter of observing and taking things in. Especially inspired I am by artists Leonie Bos, Jessica Brilli and Molly Bound.”

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    Gonzalo CURATED:
    Gonzalo was curated by:

    made by~

    friendmade® offers contemporary, authentic art, selected by artists. Through an artist-to-artist invitation system, and with ongoing collective votings, not we, but our artists, together define the everchanging friendmade® style and collection.
    No Curator. Just art!

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    friendmade.fm | wall art & design, made and curated by friends!
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